There are some moods that strongly characterize my daily existence. You’re going to discover them, and, therefore, know me a little more. 



In two minds

I’m generally not an indecisive person, but sometimes when facing the crossroads of choice I get stuck and don’t know which way to go. I literally feel like I have two minds, fighting each other for decision-making supremacy. 


When I do something, I always want the result to be perfect, at least perfect according to my potential. I’m a stickler and I obsess about trying my best, always. 


In life as well as in design, I don’t settle for mediocre results.

primo disegno
secondo disegno


“Someone who is optimistic about how much time they have (to prepare for something), who is therefore often late.”


Self-explanatory. One of my biggest faults. 

Sustainability advocate

I am one of those people who understands that the planet is primarily our home, and therefore it is necessary to treat it properly. It is us, human beings, who hold the future of the world in our hands.


We can and must act for a change.

primo disegno
secondo disegno


Do you ever find yourself imagining drastic scenarios under any circumstances? Well, it happens to me all the time. I get paranoid about everything, and travel in my imagination between good things and bad things.


Then I realize it, and force myself back to reality. 

primo disegno
secondo disegno

Master of procrastination

I truly envy people who don’t do this. How do they do it? It’s impossible for me. It will probably be related to the fact that I fool myself into thinking I have more time than I actually do. I always finish at the last minute, but I strive to do things well despite this flaw.


However, it’s stronger than me.